Kooshi, a seven-year-old mixed breed shorthair cat, hisses from his perch on the window ledge, inside his home in Rishon Letzion, Israel, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2003. The Israeli cat was banned by a local officials from circulating freely outside, apparently because its jet black color was frightening the residents. (AP Photo/Barak Pachter)
I know, I know, I've been horrendously lazy with this blog as of late. I promise to write soon about 21 Grams, In America, pumpkin risotto, delightful flowering winter plants, and the rough trade my housemate is keeping in my house much to my displeasure. I need an intern for this shit. In the interim, here are non-answers to your search queries:
1. backs on blonds movies
I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is like when in the opening credits of old James Bond movie they project things like lava-lamp designs on their backs and silhouetes.
2. paris hilton + geeting out of car
I think I know what you are trying to find, dude. And I'm not posting it. The photo is more than likely doctored so that really isn't her snatch. "Geeting"...? Are you French?
3. Paris Hilton video on MJ in the morning
I've never seen/heard of MJ in the morning. Is it this? I don't think they will be showing the video though because of lawyers and all. And I don't think Paris will be appearing beacuse she has cancelled all appearances due to her profound shame. Watch The Simple Life tonight, though.
4. 1/2 price salty anal weiner bugers
Alright, alright, either somebody really knows what they want or is really desperate. Out of kindness, I will direct you here. I hereby wash my hands clean. Paris, you have been good to me, but I'm going to have to cut this relationship off.
5. fidel ramos+south seas pearl+national
Its funny because I personally know Fidel Ramos. He is the former president of the Philippines. Spent a lovely Christmas eve with them once. As or South Sea Pearls, I refer to my friend Kitty's Financial Times article elsewhere in my blog. Happy hunting!