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January 05, 2006



Informative post. Back from India. Al & I just had our first night back in Manila. Great. Wine, pasta, Roy Orbison. Hope you are well.

By the way, guess who was in my apartment building While we were away in India -- David Byrne!!! He's doing a musical on Imelda with Fat Boy Slim so he was in Manila doing research and was introduced to Butch who lives in my bldg. Carlos has pictures with him on his blog. Can't believe we missed him! Grr..


you gotta read David Byrne's journal on his trip to the Philippines, if you haven't yet http://journal.davidbyrne.com/2005/12/philippines_mar.html


"He was friend of mine" is one of Dylan's earliest compositions and a hell of a song, I'm listening to it right now. Would like to hear Willie's version. I wasn't clear, is it in Brokeback mountain (the movie) or just the soundtrack? That's disappointing that you didn't like Syriana -- last year I saw one American movie (Sideways) and Syriana was going to be my American movie for this year. Mebbe I won't see any this year!


Btw -- those business ideas (opening a store specializing in Asian artefacts, so far as I understood it}, sounded promising. Keep us in touch.

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Btw -- those business ideas (opening a store specializing in Asian artefacts, so far as I understood it}, sounded promising. Keep us in touch.

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